On this page you will find details on places to visit around Chiltern, more information about species in the area and the answers for 'Find that spider' from the 'Reverence' mural.
3 podcasts about the Regent Honeyeater:

A glorious bird in trouble
A captive release
Community flocking together
- A glorious bird in trouble (DOCX, 34.4 KB)
- A captive release (DOCX, 36.1 KB)
- Community flocking together (DOCX, 44.1 KB)
Podcasts created by Wesley Ward and Mary-Anne Scully from The Comms Doctor.
Find walking trails through Chiltern-Mt Pilot National Park.
Spotto and share
When you spot a species, take a photo on your phone and add it to the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas.
Discover more about all the plants and animals in this picture from the following list below. Find this picture in the Chiltern Recreation Reserve, Barnawatha Road, Chiltern. It is a large mural titled ‘Reverence’, by local artist Kirrily Anderson.
3. Barking Owl
10. Golden Wattle
11. Emperor Gum Moth
12. Bandy Bandy
13. Ghost Fungi
15. Blue Stain Fungi
17. Grey Grasstree
18. Hoverfly
19. Blue Bell
20. Lattice Fungi
21. Jewel Spider
22. Jewel Beetle
23. Forester Moth
26. Radar Beetle
27. White Box
28. Nesting box
These species can be found in and around the Chiltern-Mt Pilot National Park.
You can also find out more from The Friends of Chiltern-Mt Pilot National Park.
Did you find 15 Jewel Spiders on the mural at the Chiltern Recreation Reserve? They are marked below in red.
Page last updated: 30/01/23