What data is included?

Victoria Unearthed includes information from a range of existing government sources including data from the Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA).

Victoria Unearthed includes six key datasets from EPA:

It also includes Environmental Audit Overlays from the Victoria Planning Provisions, indicating where an audit may be required before development.

It also includes Historical Business Listings - information from Victoria's Sands & McDougall business directories (old 'phone books') from around every 10 years between 1896 and 1974, which until recently were held at State Library Victoria in hard copy only.

Click the links above for more information about each dataset.

For more information on data quality, see Data quality: accuracy and reliability where Data Quality Statements are available for download.


Please click the link below to read the Victoria Unearthed disclaimer.

Victoria Unearthed disclaimer

All data included in Victoria Unearthed is available for direct download or as a service for use in desktop GIS software from DataVic and DataShare.

Data can also be accessed directly from EPA. Information on environmental audits and permissions (including operating licences) issued under the Environment Protection Act 2017 is available from EPA public registers.The Priority Sites Register is available at Priority Sites Register

Data can be also downloaded from within the Victoria Unearthed interactive map by exporting the results from a search or the Identify tool – see “How to export results” at How to Use Victoria Unearthed.

This depends on the dataset.

Priority Sites Register, EPA Licensed Sites, EPA Environmental Audits, Preliminary Risk Screen Assessments, Environmental Audit Overlay and Groundwater Quality Restricted Use Zone information is updated on an ongoing basis. As information comes in, these datasets are updated by EPA and replicated to appear in Victoria Unearthed.

Victorian Landfill Register and Historical Business Listings data is maintained and updated on an ad-hoc basis, where errors or omissions are discovered.

User feedback will be used to inform the future development of Victoria Unearthed. If there is data you would like included in future releases, or you know of data that could potentially be used, please get in touch by leaving your feedback.

Leave your feedback about Victoria Unearthed

Page last updated: 02/08/23