The content of Victoria Unearthed is provided for information purposes to help Victorians to make their own further enquiries about land and groundwater.

Victoria Unearthed brings together on one platform information that is publicly available through various sources, so as to achieve the broad community benefit of publicly accessible online data.

The information accessible on Victoria Unearthed is limited, incomplete and may be inaccurate. The State of Victoria does not conduct checks on the accuracy of this information. Victoria Unearthed may only be accessed on the basis that each user of the site is solely responsible for assessing its content. Victoria Unearthed may only be used as a starting point for enquiries and any person with a particular interest in land or groundwater agrees to make their own further enquiries to satisfy themselves in relation to the actual condition of any parcel of land or groundwater.

The State of Victoria (including, without limitation, authorities, departments, servants, instrumentalities, employees, agents and independent contractors, together, the ‘State of Victoria’) makes no statement or warranty, either express or implied, concerning the accuracy, reliability, significance, completeness, suitability, availability, specificity, security or timeliness of the content of Victoria Unearthed. The State of Victoria has no responsibility or liability whatsoever to users of Victoria Unearthed, any recipients of information sourced from Victoria Unearthed or any persons affected by information sourced from Victoria Unearthed.

The information contained in Victoria Unearthed includes information as at a point in time regarding groundwater quality restricted use zones, previous or current landfill sites, EPA Environmental Audit locations, the existence of environmental audit overlays and information on historical business listings. The information in Victoria Unearthed must not be relied upon as definitive evidence of current or possible contamination.

Victoria Unearthed may provide links to other websites. It is the responsibility of users to make their own decision about the information found in linked websites. The State of Victoria does not endorse any matter linked from Victoria Unearthed . The State of Victoria has no responsibility or liability for any information or services which may appear on any linked websites.

By accessing Victoria Unearthed you acknowledge and agree that:

  • you will not rely on the information contained in or omitted from Victoria Unearthed and that the State of Victoria has no liability for the information accessed in Victoria Unearthed or for the use of such information. For the avoidance of doubt, you acknowledge and agree that you will not rely on the information as definitive evidence   of contamination or possible contamination;
  • the State of Victoria has no responsibility or liability for any claims, compensation, loss or damage of whatsoever kind arising out of any party’s access to, use of or reliance on any information contained in or omitted from Victoria Unearthed;
  • you will not rely on the information contained in Victoria Unearthed when assessing the risks associated with the current condition of land and/or groundwater;
  • you will inform yourself about the risks associated with the condition of land and/or groundwater and make your own enquiries and investigations of any relevant parcel(s) of land and/or groundwater;
  • you will take steps to protect yourself from the risks associated with the condition of land and/or groundwater; and 
  • you will indemnify the State of Victoria for any claims, compensation, loss or damage of whatsoever kind in any way related to your access to, use of or reliance on any information contained in or omitted from Victoria Unearthed.


The State of Victoria values and protects the personal information it collects in the course of carrying out its public functions. The Privacy Statement may be viewed here: DELWP Privacy.

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By accessing Victoria Unearthed, you agree not to modify, hack, infect or otherwise corrupt the data you access on or through Victoria Unearthed. The State of Victoria makes no warranty or representation that Victoria Unearthed or websites that are linked to this site will be free of infections by viruses or any other manifesting, contaminating or destructive properties.

In addition to this general Victoria Unearthed disclaimer, another disclaimer has been prepared specific to the Historical Business Listings dataset. To read this disclaimer, please visit the following page: Historical Business Listings disclaimer.

Page last updated: 28/08/19