Learn about how you can participate in citizen science projects

DELWP’s citizen science for biodiversity program involves volunteers collaborating with scientists to enhance knowledge, and support management, of Victoria’s biodiversity.

Citizen Science: You and Nature – Arthur Rylah Institute

Citizen Science is a powerful way for people to connect with and help to protect nature. Use this guide to create great citizen science projects, gather ideas and find links to additional resources.

Citizen Science Statewide Integrated Flora and Fauna Teams - SWIFFT

An excellent collection of citizen science resources, data collection apps and websites.

Australian Citizen Science Association -  Project Finder

Information about opportunities to involve public participation and collaboration in scientific research with the aim to increase scientific knowledge. To be involved in citizen science you don’t need a science degree. Citizen scientists work with scientists or the scientific framework to achieve scientific goals.


EstuaryWatch is a citizen science program for monitoring estuary health.

Waterwatch Victoria

Waterwatch Victoria is a successful community engagement program connecting local communities with river health and sustainable water issues and management since 1993.

Parks Victoria - Bio Blitz

If you already work in a Volunteer group, you might want to consider conducting your own BioBlitz activity to understand and document the biodiversity in your local area.

Page last updated: 08/05/23