We have been busy putting our plan into place, and you can see the achievements below for the first 5 years.
The Environmental Volunteering Plan Achievements document highlights some of the great things Victorian volunteers have accomplished in looking after many natural spaces across the state.
Victoria has a strong history of environmental volunteering, with volunteers contributing enormously to improving our environment, our local communities and our economy.
Many Victorians give their time freely to a wide variety of environmental causes and organisations, including Landcare, Friends, and Coastcare groups. We recognise and value their contributions and collective efforts and want to help volunteers do more for nature when, where, and how it suits them.
More than 213,000 volunteers are currently volunteering in and for the environment.
The Plan is a coordinated and revitalised approach to environmental volunteering that supports and fosters a sustainable, modern, effective and valued environmental volunteering sector in Victoria.
For further information on environmental volunteering, please email environmental.volunteering@deeca.vic.gov.au
Page last updated: 30/05/24