Grants and awards

Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal - Strengthening Rural Communities - closes 5 September

The Strengthening Rural Communities Small & Vital stream gives small remote, rural and regional communities across Australia the opportunity to access funds for a broad range of initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities. Grants up to $10,000 are available for a broad range of grassroots, community-led initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities that strengthen local people, places and climate solutions, with a preference for smaller communities (populations under 15,000).

For more information and to apply

Victorian Environment Friends Network Awards 2024 - nominations close 20 September

Victorian Environment Friends Network annual awards are now open for nominations.

There are six categories to recognise and celebrate those who go above and beyond when it comes to keeping groups active and achieving great things for your local environment.

For more information and to apply

Landcare Australia Community Grants Program - closes 20 September

The Landcare Australia Community Grants Program will offer grants from $5,000 to $20,000. The grants program is open to all landcare groups and other community-led environmental groups including Bushcare, ‘Friends of’, Coastcare and Dunecare groups.

For more information and to apply

Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal - Community Led Climate Solutions Program - closes 26 September

The FRRR Community Led Climate Solutions Grant Program supports not-for-profit organisations across remote, rural and regional Australia to drive local climate solutions that reduce emissions through education, engagement and action. There are two streams:
Stream 1: Engage & Deliver Small Grants – up to $20,000; and
Stream 2: Scaling Grants – from $20,001 up to $75,000..

For more information and to apply

Hamer Sprout Fund - closes 30 September

The Hamer Sprout Fund will consider applications from organisations that share the fund’s goals (to build communities inspired to take action for a sustainable future) and are particularly interested in giving to smaller organisations and projects to get them off the ground.

For more information and to apply

Partnerships Against Pests Round 3 - closes 11 October

Round 3 of the Partnerships Against Pests grants program is now open for applications from community groups. You can apply for grants valued at between $10,000  - $50,000 to plan and deliver education and training programs that provide local and long-term solutions to invasive weeds and pests.

Agriculture Victoria is hosting a webinar on Monday 9 September to provide more information and you can ask the grants team any questions you may have. The webinar will be recorded and put on the website afterwards

For more information and to apply

Tiny Towns Fund - closes 25 October

Supporting projects in communities with populations below 5,000 people in regional Victoria and outer metropolitan local government areas.

Grants between $5.000 and $50,000 are available for community-driven projects.

For more information and to apply

Grants Program - Victorian Fisheries Authority - open year round

This program is open year-round to applications from angling clubs and associations, and not-for-profit community groups for grants of $5,000 - $50,000.

Examples of projects that could qualify for funding include:

  • infrastructure and access projects (minor boat ramps or kayak launches/landings, access paths, jetties, platforms, fish cleaning tables
  • installation of instream habitat (woody, boulders, lunkers), and
  • riparian work (fencing, planting, stiles)

For more information and to apply

Training opportunities calendar

We look forward to sharing training opportunities with our environmental volunteering community.

If you have something you would like to add, please email

& register
Tuesday 10th September10am - 4pmCultural Awareness Training - join Ovens Landcare Network for this free cultural awareness session with Bangerang elders from Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Education (ACHE).Wangaratta
Monday 16th September4pm"Taking learning outdoors using First Nations Perspective". Junior Landcare is bringing together Wiradjuri man and First Nations Educator, Adam Shipp and Environmental Educator, Sam Harrison, along with Costa Georgiadis to deliver an inspiring free  webinar  during Biodiversity

Page last updated: 03/09/24