Resources to keep your volunteer team happy and healthy


Volunteers and the COVID-19 vaccine – Justice Connect

Fact sheet and legal information for volunteer groups on the COVID-19 vaccine.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Victoria Government

Keep your group with up to date with the latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) Victoria information.

Group health and safety

Victorian guide to occupational health and safety – Justice connect

Guide to the application of occupational health and safety laws for community organisations.

Health and safety guide – Volunteering Victoria

The essential volunteers guide to workplace health and safety.

Volunteer health and safety handbook – Worksafe

This handbook includes general health and safety information for community organisations who manage volunteers.


Confidentiality and intellectual property – Volunteering Victoria

Guide to protecting your organisation’s confidentiality and intellectual property.

Protecting privacy for volunteers – Volunteering Victoria

Guide to protecting the privacy for your organisation’s volunteers.


Involving volunteers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds – Volunteering Australia

People from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds make an important contribution to volunteering in Australia. This Information Sheet looks at tips for engaging with CALD communities, and for recruiting and managing volunteers from diverse backgrounds.

LGBTIQ volunteers: inclusive practice – Volunteering Victoria

Treating volunteers equally does not necessarily mean all volunteers will have their needs met; an inclusive practice will accommodate the specific needs of those most vulnerable and marginalised.

Rainbow eQuality – Department of Health

Guide to assisting your environmental organisation to identify and adopt inclusive practices.

Is your organisation accessible? – Victoria Alive

This checklist will help you assess whether your organisation is accessible to all, including volunteers with disability.

Sexual harassment guide – Volunteering Victoria

Victorian laws that protect people from sexual harassment include volunteers – who have the same rights and responsibilities as paid staff.

Safe and successful events

Planning your nature activity – City of Geelong

A list of tools created to help volunteer groups deliver safe and successful events that also comply with legal obligations.

Page last updated: 05/12/22