The review of regulations is now complete. The review outcomes have been delivered through:

The changes to the regulations provide better protection for Victoria’s sensitive native vegetation, enhance the operation of the regulations, and increase transparency by:

  • better accounting for the environmental value of large scattered trees, endangered vegetation types and sensitive wetlands and coastal areas in decision making
  • making the system fairer, by allowing some site based information to supplement mapped information, and ensuring the information used in the regulations better reflects the vegetation on the ground
  • improving monitoring and reporting on the implementation of native vegetation removal and offsets

The key changes made to the regulations as a result of the review are summarised here:

Overview of key changes to the native vegetation removal regulations (PDF, 34.6 KB)

Stakeholder and community contribution to the review

The review outcomes were informed by extensive consultation with the community and stakeholder groups. The history of the review, all associated documents, and the details of the consultation undertaken are available on the EngageVictoria project webpage.

Page last updated: 04/03/19