NatureKit is a free online mapping and data exploration tool for biodiversity data integration and decision support. People can overlay and link related biodiversity datasets, and use several tools to query, extract and download information by areas or other layer features.

NatureKit is under active development and will continue to evolve its functions and datasets over time.

NatureKit displays information on:

  • NaturePrint and Strategic Management Prospects (SMP) datasets, that support stakeholders in making effective investment and management decisions to deliver Protecting Victoria's Environment – Biodiversity 2037.
  • Species observation records and species information from the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas (VBA).
  • Vegetation including Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVCs)
  • Bioregions that classify area with similar environmental characteristics
  • The Land Cover time series.
  • Marine habitats, landform and bathymetric information.
  • Please see the NatureKit Layers & Datasets page for detailed information on data sources, descriptions and download options.

Getting started

The NatureKit User Guide will help you to navigate the user interface and explore the different functions and tools. The NatureKit Layers and Datasets page contains description of the various layers and datasets available in NatureKit, along with downloadable options.

Explore our helpful NatureKit guidance videos below to troubleshoot any issues you encounter. Each video offers insights into different topics and demonstrates how to utilize the NatureKit's tools and data effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which browsers work best with NatureKit?

NatureKit is built using HTML5 standards and technology, and works best in the latest version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge.

What is new in NatureKit 2.0?

Major changes: Only VBA threatened species observations are displayed in NatureKit for performance reasons; all available VBA species can still be downloaded using the Download from all Observations tool in VBA Species Observations tab

NatureKit2.0 introduces the following new features:

Datasets updates and new layers:

  • SMP Habitat Distribution Models (HDMs) (2020 dataset update)
  • VBA Threatened Species Observations (2020 dataset update)
  • New SMP layers: Mean cost-effectiveness rank, SMP by Summary Area Layer with linked reports and statistics tables, additional layers in SMP Threats, Benefit & Cost of Actions folder and more complex action combinations accessible through the SMP & Habitat Maps tab tools.
  • Land Cover new decade to 2019
  • Native Vegetation Habitat Importance Maps (HIMs) 2017 now available in the SMP & Habitat Maps tab

New Reference layers:

  • Recent Wildfires: displays the 2019-2020 bushfire boundaries and fire severity.
  • Administrative Boundaries: CFA Districts
  • Disturbance: Planned burns 1970-Present
  • Land Management: Planning Schemes Zones
  • Wetlands & Rainforest

Please see the NatureKit Layers & Datasets page for detailed information on layers, data sources, descriptions and download options.

Tool enhancements:

  • New threatened species filters with attribute, filter by area and download option in the VBA Species Observations tab
  • New Add Action Combinations tool in the SMP & Habitat Maps tab
  • Download of HDM and HIM from within NatureKit using the Add Habitat Maps tool in the SMP & Habitat Maps tab
  • Two different Upload Shape tools in the General Tools tab
  • Newly configured layer search by attribute using Select Based on Condition tool in Query Reference Layers tab
  • Plot coordinates tool in Search Location tab offers option to download user added coordinate marker

Please see NatureKit User Guide for detailed information about NatureKit's different functions and tools.

How can I get further help?

If you cannot find a solution on this page:

Use the contact form in the Help and About toolbar in NatureKit or, send an email to NatureKit support with your questions.

We would like to hear from you

Whether you would like further information or want to provide feedback about your experience using NatureKit's features and functions, please send us your message and ideas for new functionality.

Get in touch

Page last updated: 21/10/24