We have set up actions to help us , monitor, evaluate and report on progress towards enhancing our natural environment.

Read on to find out more about how we are implementing and monitoring Biodiversity 2037. In everything we do, we continue to learn and feed this knowledge back into our management of Victoria’s biodiversity. Come on this journey with us and be a part of the change.

Accessible word version of the Infographic – Since Biodiversity 2037 Began  This infographic lists key actions taken by the Victorian Government to improve the natural environment since Protecting Victoria's Environment - Biodiversity 2037 was released. It features a header with the text ‘Since protecting Victoria’s Environment Biodiversity 2037 began…’, then features a winding path on the ground which steps the viewer through 2017 to 2021. Along the path is a list of actions that took place in each year which is listed below. The infographic is surrounded by designed graphics of animals, plants, landscapes, and people. It also features invasive species such as deer, cats, and foxes.  The visual path on the ground timeline features the following in chronological order since they were released:  2017  *Protecting Victoria's Environment - Biodiversity 2037 Plan released *VicEnvironments Forum established *Port Phillip Bay Environmental Management Plan (2017-27) *$31.2 million in biodiversity grants *$4.9 million Coastal Monitoring Program commenced  2018  *Feral Cat declaration *Living with Wildlife Action Plan *Marine and Coastal Act passed *Over $33 million of on-ground biodiversity projects funded *$2 million Faunal Emblems program launched *First Joint Management Plan (Gunaikurnai and Victorian Government) *Environmental Volunteering Plan launched *$2.4 million invested in targeted Marine Actions  2019  *New Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act passed *Greater Glider Action Statement protects 96,000 hectares of threatened species habitat from timber harvesting *First Environmental Ministerial Roundtable *Victorian Forestry Plan: old growth logging ceased, native forest harvesting phased out by 2030 *2019-20 Bushfire emergency: $17.5 million to start Biodiversity Response and Recovery program  2020  *$5 million additional for Bushfire Biodiversity Response and Recovery *First Wildlife Welfare Roundtable *Victorian Nature Festival *Victorian Deer Control Strategy launched *Second Environmental Ministerial Roundtable *$18.25 million (plus $4.4 million ongoing) Deer Control Program *Additional $29 million for Bushfire Biodiversity Response and Recovery *$6 million predator proof fence at Wilson’s Promontory National Park announced *Second Wildlife Welfare Roundtable  2021  *$77 million towards BushBank – Storing Carbon Securing Nature *$77 million over 4 years to support Community Driven Action through Environmental Volunteers and Landcare *Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act Threatened List updated    That is the end of the infographic.

See the accessible version here for this infographic (PDF, 1.4 MB)

Progress towards our targets

Each year we will share a snapshot of how we are performing against the targets in Biodiversity 2037.

This helps us to know if we are moving towards our vision that Victoria’s biodiversity is healthy, valued and actively cared for.

This reporting started in 2018 after the Biodiversity Plan was released in 2017. From 2019, the focus of this information is on our current progress towards the Biodiversity 2037 targets supported by case studies. Each annual progress report supersedes the previous progress report.

A more comprehensive picture of our progress will be developed through the 5-yearly evaluation of Biodiversity 2037 and other mechanisms described in the Biodiversity Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement Framework.

This infographic sets out the targets within the 20-year Biodiversity Plan:

This infographic describes the Department of Environment, Land, Water, and Planning’s (DELWP) original targets in the Protecting Victoria's Environment - Biodiversity 2037 Plan. It features a header with the text ‘Protecting Victoria’s Environment - Biodiversity 2037 Victoria’s 20-year plan to stop the decline of our native plants and animals and improve our natural environment’. Below this title is the text ‘Vision: Victoria’s biodiversity is healthy, valued and actively cared for’.  It has the DELWP Victorian Government logo in the top right corner. The infographic features several designed graphics of animals, plants, landscapes, and many people. It also features invasive species such as foxes, rabbits, and prickly pear cacti.  Under the title are two columns that show the Biodiversity 2037 Plan targets with corresponding graphical icons, they include the following:  Victorians Value Nature: targets  By 2037:  *First icon with text next to it stating ‘All Victorians connecting with nature’  *Second icon with text next to it stating ‘5 million Victorians acting to protect the natural environment’  Victoria’s natural environment is healthy: targets  By 2037:  *Third icon with text next to it stating ‘No vulnerable or near threatened species will become endangered’  *Fourth icon with text next to it stating ‘All endangered species will have an ex-situ or re-introduction option for long-term conservation’  *Fifth icon with text next to it stating ‘Net gain in extent and condition of habitats (terrestrial, marine, waterway)’  To help achieve this, the plan has specific management targets:  *Sixth icon with text next to it stating ‘1.5 million hectares of pest predator control in priority locations, sustained for twenty years’  *Seventh icon with text next to it stating ‘1.5 million hectares of weed control in priority locations, sustained for twenty years’  *Eighth icon with text next to it stating ‘4 million hectares of pest herbivore control in priority locations, sustained for twenty years’  *Ninth icon with text next to it stating ‘200,000 hectares of revegetation in priority locations for habitat connectivity by 2037 (on average 10,000 hectares per year)’  *Tenth icon with text next to it stating ‘200,000 hectares of new permanently protected areas on private land by 2037 (on average 10,000 hectares per year)’  That is the end of the infographic.

See the accessible version here for this infographic (DOCX, 38.0 KB)

2020 progress report

See the 2020 Progress Report below to learn how we are tracking against our targets in the Biodiversity 2037 Plan.

This infographic describes how Victoria is tracking against the targets in Protecting Victoria's Environment - Biodiversity 2037 in 2020. It features a header with the text ‘Protecting Victoria’s Environment - Biodiversity 2037 progress against targets: 2020’. It has the DELWP Victorian Government logo in the bottom left corner. The infographic features several designed graphics of animals, plants, landscapes, and people. It also features invasive species such as foxes and deer.  Under the title are two columns that show progress against the Biodiversity 2037 Plan targets in 2020 with corresponding graphical icons, they include the following:  Victorians Value Nature  *First icon with text ‘Target 100% of Victorians’ oNext to the icon is the text ‘64% of Victorian’s connecting with nature’  *Second icon with text ‘Target 5 million Victorians’ oNext to the icon is the text ‘5 million Victorians acting to protect the natural environment’  Victoria’s natural environment is healthy  *Third icon with text ‘Net loss’ on the left side, then ‘target net gain’ in the centre, then ‘net gain’ on the right side. oNext to the icon is the text ‘Habitat hectares of extent and condition of habitats (terrestrial, marine, waterway) Under this is the result from this with the text ‘8200 hectares annual net loss of native vegetation’ oUnder this is the text ‘All endangered species will have an ex-situ or re-introduction option for long-term conservation’ Under this is the result from this with the text ‘establishing a baseline’ oUnder this is the text ‘No vulnerable species or near threatened species will become endangered’ Under this is the result from this with the text ‘Establishing a baseline’  *Fourth icon with text ‘Target 1.5 million hectares’ oNext to the icon is the text ‘865,328 hectares of sustained pest predator control in priority locations’  *Fifth icon with text ‘Target 4 million hectares’ oNext to the icon is the text ‘888,328 hectares of sustained pest herbivore control in priority locations’     *Sixth icon with text ‘Target 200,000 hectares’ oNext to the icon is the text ‘74 hectares of revegetation for habitat connectivity in priority locations since 2017’ and ‘9,135 hectares of revegetation since 2017’  *Seventh icon with text ‘Target 1.5 million hectares’ oNext to the icon is the text ‘201,857 hectares of sustained weed control in priority locations’  *Eighth icon with text ‘Target 200,000 hectares’ oNext to the icon is the text ‘5,373 hectares of new permanently protected areas on private land since 2017’  That is the end of the infographic.

See the accessible version here for this infographic

Priority locations are generally the top 10% of locations across Victoria where management actions maximise benefits to threatened (and other) species. The hectares of activity in priority locations that contribute to the Biodiversity 2037 Plan targets are therefore only a part of the total effort across Victoria, and some of this activity is driven by outcomes other than biodiversity. For example, revegetation is undertaken for purposes including erosion control and improvement of water quality as well as enhancing biodiversity.

The Frequently Asked Questions below provide further explanation.

Table listing hectares of action in 2020

ActionTotal Hectares across VictoriaHectares in Priority Locations
(Biodiversity 2037)
Pest  predator  control 2,105,220 ha865,328 ha
Pest herbivore control 1,674138 ha888,757 ha
Weed control584,622 ha201,857 ha
Revegetation 9,135 ha 74 ha

Delivering on our targets

The 2020-21 and 2021-22 Victorian Budgets invested over $286 million towards protecting Victoria’s biodiversity. This builds on the 2017-18 Budget which committed $86.3 million over 4 years plus $20 million per year ongoing to deliver on the 20-year Biodiversity Plan.

The following recent initiatives will increase our delivery against the targets:

2019 Progress Report Predator control target badge, target 1.5 million hectares $6 million to fund a predator-proof fence at Wilsons Promontory National Park to protect the unique plants and animals (announced November 2020).
2019 Progress Report Herbivore control target badge, target 4 million hectares

$18.25 million Deer Control Program (2021-24) plus $4.4 million ongoing from 2024-25 (announced November 2020).

$29 million for Biodiversity Bushfire Response and Recovery (BBRR) announced November 2020 adding to the $22.5 million for immediate response in early 2020. The BBRR program has a major focus on pest herbivore control.

2019 Progress Report Revegetation target badge, target 200,000 hectares $77 million BushBank - Nature restoration for carbon storage program including revegetation for habitat connectivity.
2019 Progress Report Weed control target badge, target 1.5 million hectares Increased targeting of effort of community programs to contribute to Biodiversity 2037 targets through new grants programs (e.g. Community volunteer action grants biodiversity stream).
Image showing the Protected areas target badge for the Biodiversity 2037 Plan Targets - the target is 200,000 hectares $4 million over 4 years and $1 million ongoing to support Trust for Nature contribute to the permanent protection of biodiversity on private land (announced May 2021).

Frequently Asked Questions

Read more background about the Biodiversity 2037 targets and the way we prepare progress reports.

2020 Case Studies

Bushfire Biodiversity Response and Recovery 2020

Learn more about the response and recovery actions that took place in response to the devastating 2019-2020 bushfires.

This work largely contributes to the targets under the goal 'Victoria's natural environment is healthy' in the Biodiversity 2037 Plan.

Victorian Nature Festival 2020

The Victorian Nature Festival was a nature celebration event that took place online in 2020. Through online presentations, videos, podcasts, virtual tours, and art and craft activities Victorians were able to enjoy, learn about and connect to Victoria’s incredible biodiversity.

This work contributes to the targets under the goal 'Victorians Value Nature' in the Biodiversity 2037 Plan.

See the video below for an overview of the event:

Previous Progress Reports

See the infographic and case studies below for progress on the biodiversity targets in 2019.

The analysis against targets in the 2019 report utilised full threat management data only, consistent with improved standards for data capture and reporting since the 2018 report.

This provides a more conservative estimate of the progress made towards achieving the Biodiversity 2037 Plan targets.


See the accessible version here for this infographic (DOCX, 37.9 KB)

Why is there a difference in the hectares reported between the 2018 and 2019 Progress Reports?

2019 Case Studies

Progress Highlights 2019

See what key initiatives were underway by DELWP and other agencies as at the end of 2019 to progress the various components of Biodiversity 2037.

Biodiversity Response Planning projects 2019

See what Biodiversity Response Planning projects were undertaken in 2019 by the community, non-government organisations and government agencies. See here for further information about Biodiversity Response Planning projects.

The 2018 progress report details the achievements of government environmental agencies and partners over the 2017-18 period against the priorities and themes of Biodiversity 2037.

It includes progress towards the Biodiversity 2037 targets. This analysis against targets utilised partial threat management data as the best data available at that time.

Read the 2018 progress report (PDF, 3.2 MB)

Read the 2018 progress report (DOCX, 91.2 KB)

Biodiversity 2037 Implementation Cycle

The Implementation Cycle reflects the key stages within and across the 20-year timeframe of the Biodiversity Plan.

These are:

  • The strategy itself (Biodiversity 2037) and its review after 20 years.
  • The enabling environment and planning process, including work that DELWP undertakes to provide tools and systems, regulations and standards, and collaborative planning.
  • Everyone undertaking actions that contribute to the targets of Biodiversity 2037 – this includes all the contributions of individuals, community groups, Traditional Owners, non-government organisations and government agencies
  • Monitoring, evaluating, reporting, and improving how we do things. This embeds continuous improvement into planning and action.

Our work is guided by the Biodiversity 2037 Implementation Cycle below. This cycle allows for continuous planning and delivery of our goals through adaptive management. It also makes sure that the targets are updated as part of the refresh of Biodiversity 2037 every 5 years.

Click here or the diagram below for a more detailed Implementation Cycle.

The Biodiversity 2037 Implementation cycle, outlining the steps taken within and across the 20-year timeframe.

Biodiversity Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement Framework

The Biodiversity 2037 Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvements Framework (Biodiversity 2037 MERF) is active throughout the implementation cycle to make sure that we improve the planning and implementation of actions.

Monitoring, evaluation and reporting is a key component of protecting Victoria’s biodiversity. It allows us to make ongoing improvements in the actions we take.

Read the Biodiversity 2037 MERF

two girls holding potted plants in the bush

Page last updated: 26/07/23